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Combiner/Power Splitter

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Combiner/Power Splitter

In electronic engineering, a combiner is a device used to combine multiple signals, commonly found in radio frequency and microwave systems.
Power combiner: combines multiple input signals into one output signal.
Signal combiner: combines signals of different frequencies in a communication system.
A power Splitter is a device that divides the energy of an input signal into two or more equal or unequal outputs, or conversely combines the energy of multiple signals into one output, which can also be called a combiner.
A certain degree of isolation should be ensured between the output ports of a power divider. A power divider is also called an overcurrent divider, which is divided into active and passive types. It can evenly divide a signal into several outputs. Generally, each divided signal has a few dB of attenuation. The signal frequency is different, and the attenuation of different dividers is also different.

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